Бакалавр медицины и хирургии Университета Алькала-де-Энарес, медицинский директор Центра эстетической медицины Altea (Понтеведра, Испания).
Dr. Luis Miguel Saludas has a Degree in Medicine and Surgery since 1987
Graduated from the University of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid with an overall Outstanding rating, he has developed his medical activity halfway between Madrid and Pontevedra, the latter city where he currently has his Clinic, Centro Médico Altea.
In love with multidisciplinary medical procedures, he advocates the use of the medical practice of his own hands and the latest generation apparatus techniques to obtain the best results, having in his center an extensive catalog of equipment and professionals at the service of his patients.
Источник https://modelclinics.com/doctores/dr-luis-miguel-saludas/