Алина Фратила

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Алина Фратила

Специалист в области дерматологии, флебологии и эстетической лазерной терапии. Д-р Фратила практикует в Бонне, Германии и в течение многих лет использует в своей работе UltraPulse, M22, ResurFX и системы LightSheer.

Alina Fratila, born in Bucharest, Romania, studied Dermatology at the University of Bonn, Germany. She dedicated her professional live since more than 30 years to the field of Aesthetic Dermatology and Surgery, Phlebology, Aesthetic Laser Medicine and Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Her task as guest editor of the Facial Plastic Surgery Vol 13, No 2, 1997, was to point out the differences between Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS) with frozen technique compared to the German “Slow Mohs” MKC with paraffin sections.

Prof. Fratila has since 2012 teaching appointment at “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania. She served as President of ISDS (Int. Soc. for Dermatol. Surg.) from 2002-2004.

In 2004 she founded and is now director and owner of the “Jungbrunnen-Klinik”, a “Fountain of Youth” for Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, Dermatology and Phlebology in Bonn, equipped with 11 different laser and light devices.

She has written and contributed over 150 publications, book chapters and book to the scientific medical literature. She is active member in at least 15 International Societies, she is a very requested and respected speaker and pioneer in Germany for Laserassisted Blepharoplasty and ablative CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing which she is performing since more than 25 years: see “Illustrated Guide to Eyelid and Periorbital Surgery”.

Источник https://www.imcas.com/en/profile/dr-alina-maria-aurora-fratila

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